Are you applying for the first time?

The application for recertification is for current GISPs only.  If you are a prospective GISP, please visit the GISP Application page.

If you start with a new registration, the site will treat you as a first-time applicant. 

If you are experiencing problems logging in, please email us for your existing log in information  at


  • All professionals with an active GISP certification will recertify for a three-year period on the expiration date and will pay an annual maintenance fee of $95 for each of the three years of the recertification period.  Recertifying GISPs may choose to make a single payment of $285 for the three-year period.
  • No active GISPs will have to take the new Exam for recertification. As long as you are in good standing and recertify within the one-year grace period allowed, you will not have to take the Exam.
  • Recertifications are generally approved within 30 to 45 days of submittal.
  • Your 3-year recertification period is added to the end of your Expiration Date, regardless of when recertification takes place.
  • The one year grace period allows for recertification without penalty within that time.  You are still responsible for annual maintenance  during your grace period.
  • An online recertification will show 24 points needed in the Points Calculator;  this assures that your profile is connected to your GISP Certification.
  • If you see 150 points necessary in the Points Calculator, you are using a first-time application profile not connected to your GISP Certification.
  • Digital certificates are sent shortly after approval.  A print copy may be requested after approval.


To recertify, you must fulfill certain professional requirements.  You must also upload a new Ethics Statement.


As the GIS Code of Ethics states, GIS Professionals have an obligation to not only be qualified for the tasks accepted, but also to stay current in the field through readings and professional development. To ensure the proper levels of continuing education, applicants for recertification must show a total of 24 achievement points over the previous three years as broken down in the table below:

Educational (courses/conferences) 6 points minimum
Contributions to the Profession 6 points minimum
Work Experience No minimum requirement, up to 12 points optional
Additional points in any category 12 points
TOTAL 24 points


  • Educational - GIS professionals will earn 1 Educational point for every 6 professional development hours. Points can also be obtained through online and instructor-led courses, webinars, and other types of training.
  • Contributions to the Profession - An active professional is capable of attaining a minimum of two Contributions points per year during the three-year renewal period. Points are earned according to the activity values, and approved routes include membership in professional organizations (local, state, regional, national or international), volunteer work, and presentations at conferences.
  • Work Experience - You are allowed to use work experience as part of the number of points needed to obtain renewal certification. 6 points are awarded for each 12 months of full-time equivalent (FTE) work, up to 2 years credit for recertification.


  • Current GISP completing recertification within grace period (no application fee or exam): $95/yr or $ 285 lump-sum for 3-year renewal.
  • Lapsed GISP recertifying after their grace period must retake and pass the exam.  In addition, they must pay the application fee + portfolio review + exam fee ($450 total) for a three-year renewal.
  • Please note a $20 processing fee will be applied to all refunds to cover the associated costs.