GISCI Official Practice Exam 2022 - Now Available!


 This practice exam challenges candidates with a single set of 50 questions covering the range of topics found in the 10 Content Areas of the 2019 GISCI Exam Blueprint, using retired, scored Items.

  • This is an online, browser-delivered exam, available 24/7.  You are urged to use a browser other than IE for the best exam experience.
  • Your final score on this practice examination will not necessarily predict your performance on the actual examination. Use your score, the performance information, and your  knowledge self-assessment  to prepare for the actual examination.
  • This Practice Exam, after completion, provides detailed score reports and a question by question breakdown analysis of your responses against the correct answer.
  • This Practice Exam covers the content and questions similar to those seen on the GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge ExamR, replicating the exam experience as closely as possible.
  • The Practice Exam contains one set of 50 questions, and those questions are randomized on each subsequent delivery.
  • The  Practice Exam can be taken twice for the $30 fee, access to which is provided over a 6 month period.
  • Passing Score on this exam is 73
  • Your Pass/Fail score for this examination is based on your total score. The percentage scores for individual Content Areas are presented to help you identify areas of strength and weakness, which you can compare with your previous self-assessment against the Blueprint,  when preparing for the actual examination.
  • Practice Exams provide candidates an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format of the test questions on the GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge ExamR. It is important to note that performance on the practice examination is not a final predictor of whether a candidate will pass or fail GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge ExamR. It does not give an advantage over candidates who do not choose to take it and is not the only or preferred route to adequate preparation for the certification examination.
  • Disclaimer.  Taking, completing, and passing this practice examination does not in any way result in or guarantee passing the certification examination. 
  • Testing is not provided as a way to acquire GIS knowledge.  Competence can only be obtained by concentrated study in each area.

This Official Practice Exam can be accessed through our exam delivery provider, PSI and their subsidiary, G*Metrix.  The fee, payable to them, will be $ 30 and provides access to a 1-hour timed exam, at the end of which, you will see your grade, performance in each Knowledge Category, and be able to review the questions you missed.

To gain access to G*Metrix's  link, you will need to be registered on the GISCI web site. 

Please fill out  the Official Exam Application, below and complete the information requested.  Upon completion, you will get immediate browser access to a PDF doc that provides instruction in accessing the GMetrix site to pay for and take the Practice Exam.

Link for the: Official Practice Exam Application Form

How to use this Practice Exam:

Take it once, after you have reviewed, familiaized yourself with the Exam Blueprint, and self-assessed your Knowledge Gap

Use the resulting score and Performance Report to confirm your areas of strength and weakness.   The score from the 1st taking is the most important one to  use to check your GISP Knowledge Gap.  

Take it a 2nd time after several months of study in your areas of weakness to gauge your level of knowledge improvement.  Repeated testing in a short period of time will only show answer memory, which can provide a false sense of improvement.

Updated 11/10/2022